Farmacia Hospital

Inauguration at Hospital Loma Plata

For more than three years, Hospital Loma Plata has been strategically renewing facilities to improve healthcare services. A new intensive care unit and maternity ward have been built and integrated into the existing infrastructure. Pharmacy and administration are to be given a completely new building. The intensive care unit currently comprises four beds. The allocated space allows for eight beds in the near future.  The state of the art ventilation system renews the circulating air within 15 minutes and cleans it of bacteria.

The labory ward has two delivery rooms, two preparation rooms, a large hall and a room for water births.

The pharmacy and hospital administration have relocated into a new building, where 650 m2 (showroom and storage room) are allocated to the pharmacy and over 300 m2 to the administration of Hospital Loma Plata.

The Asociación Civil Chortitzer Komitee has invested the amount of Gs. 4.300.000.000.- in the maternity ward and intensive care unit. The Cooperativa Chortitzer Ltda. Gs.- covered the cost of the pharmacy and administration building, which amount to Gs. 4.700.000.000 -.